How It Works

We start with a “chemistry call” so that I can answer any questions that you may have. At the same time, we can get a sense of whether we would be a good fit.  The relationship between coach/client is the most important part of the process so that you, the client, is able to relax and trust that we, the team, can work together to reach your goals.  This partnership is unique; you are talking to someone that feels like a close friend, a nonjudgmental partner that has the insight and training to help you get there. Coaching is about insight and discovery (“what is it that I actually want”), and action and accountability (getting it done). My job is to help you identify and ultimately reach your desires and goals.

We will meet for 1-hour on a weekly or biweekly basis, either on the phone or in person. (You don’t have to be in New York for us to work together!) Our sessions are often focused on the insight part, and you leave each session with an action plan. But I don’t leave you there! A key part of working with me is that I am your coach “full-time”. If you need me for a pep talk, or to navigate a challenge, I am available. I am often in communication with a client in between sessions. You are the one actually doing the work and I am there for you whenever you need me.

 I will help you to become the person you know deep inside that you are meant to be. You’ll feel stronger, more positive, more confident and more capable.

What I Do…

Building Confidence & Finding your Voice

Helping you remember that your story hasn’t been written yet.  If you were to write it what would it look like? We can find the path that works best for you.  I’m an action-oriented coach however I will not push you to a point of discomfort (maybe just a little!) until I know you are ready.  When my clients come to me and say things like “I’m not good enough, or smart enough, pretty enough” or other harsh things, we work to end this negativity and quiet those voices permanently.  This inner critic doesn’t just stop there. Often it’s part of a bigger story, “I’m way too afraid to ask for a raise”, “”I’m not deserving of love””,” I’m never anyone’s’ first choice”.If this sounds familiar I can help create new, better habits. Instead of listening to the negative voices in your head, learning to listen to your own inner wisdom is a key component to building self-esteem and confidence.  We all have a unique perspective and when you practice saying what you REALLY want, and how you REALLY feel, you’ll develop a more positive sense of self and well-being.  There are ways to structure difficult conversations and communicate your feelings and desires in a manner that is open and constructive. It’s all in the delivery and I am an expert in that area.  There was a time in my life when I was confrontational and I’ve learned to express myself in a way that is gentle yet assertive. It took me years to do this well and I help my clients do this too. 

Letting go of the fear of food & weight loss

As a former binge eater I have helped many clients rid themselves of the constant battle with food.  I’ve been binge free for 30 years but the memories of those hard times have stayed with me and now I am passionate about helping others overcome those same struggles. Yo-yo dieting afflicts so many and is rarely addressed.  How many people have tried 5 diets and are looking for the 6th one that will solve the problem?  We work together to eliminate the need for a stringent diet, which is doomed to fail, and we will work on a healthy relationship with food.  

 My strong belief is that when certain foods are completely eliminated the urge to binge or over eat can be overwhelming.  If the pendulum swings too far in one direction, it always swings as far in the other direction. 

***The process of learning to have a new relationship with food is about what you like and learning to eat those things without guilt.  You will eventually view those foods as treats to be enjoyed (sometimes and in smaller amounts.). I don’t hold a secret weapon that wards off the extra calories of these foods, so clearly to be fit and at a weight that pleases you, these higher caloric foods are not going to be an everyday thing.  But I will help you no longer be fearful and miss social gatherings because you’re “on a diet”!  

Grief and Loss

On June 30th , 2020 my husband Gary had a massive stroke and passed away. We had no warning and just like that my life changed forever and I lost the center of my world. My husband was bigger than life and I couldn’t have loved him more. We both came from bad marriages and we were so grateful to have had a second chance to get it right. We adored each other. That is not to say that things were always perfect and glorious because they were not but we were totally committed to our relationship and the chemistry between us was palpable. We were so lucky. I knew that I had to survive my loss, but I wasn’t sure how I could ever live a good and happy life without my husband. Yes, I have 3 loving daughters and their husbands and even a beautiful grandson, and dear friends and again I say I am lucky, but all of my people have their person and I no longer have mine. I continued to move forward because that’s what I do but every step I took was with terrible pain and anguish right there as my constant companion. No place was safe. The car wasn’t safe because I loved my drives with Gary and a song would come on and I’d have to pull off the road because my sobbing was uncontrollable. My home wasn’t safe because I saw him and felt him in every corner of every room, my Sunday bagel wasn’t safe because I hated going to the bagel shop and buying one bagel. You get the picture. So, for a while I just survived, and I showed up most of the time. I did a lot of “right” things, and I hope to help other people find their right things. I’m approaching the 3-year anniversary of his last day and I still miss him all the time, but I am no longer in terrible pain and I survived this tragedy. We must go on; we didn’t die with our partners. Life is short, and I’m in it in a big way.

Meaningful Growth Experiences

My role in this collaboration is as a facilitator, creating a networking opportunity that is not at all typical. These experiences may happen in the workplace, over group lunches or dinners or anyplace where like minded people can congregate.  When individuals are given the space to let down their guard and just talk, not only do we connect and truly see and hear each other, the potential for developing business opportunities and growth is a natural outcome.  We’ve all heard that when people, like, know and trust each other great things can happen.  These event do just that! 

My ability to create a safe, comfortable atmosphere allows people to relate to each other as humans and not as just potential new business or capital. Throughout our time together my role as the leader is to entice and steer in a direction that opens conversation by asking probing questions.  By the end of the event people have shared their hopes, dreams, challenges and have had a chance to brag about their successes.  We cheer them on for any wins they want to share. These may range from how they found love to closing their first round of funding. We laugh, we cry, we bond, we connect and we support. It’s the human experience all wrapped up in one, facilitated by me.  This will inspire growth, and change and give you a meaningful high that lasts. 

Divorce before, during & afteR

Divorce coaching is a flexible, goal-oriented process designed to support, motivate, and guide people going through divorce to help them make the best possible decisions for their future, based on their particular interests, needs, and concerns.
— ~ Defined by the American Bar Association

A divorce coach is trained to help you solve the problems that are preventing you from moving forward. One of the common issues that divorce coaches address is helping a client to know when and if they should divorce.Divorce coaches ideally are able to connect you with the right people i.e. financial advisors, lawyers, and accountants.  We might even accompany you if necessary to those meetings and to court.

You start to learn what the divorce process entails as you embark on this journey. Your grief and the recovery is another issue entirely.  

What a divorce coach can’t do is guarantee that you won’t have emotional vacillation, or that you won’t have to face things that are frightening, or that you won’t face moments that you never intended to face.

Divorce is stressful. It affects your brain, your body, and your heart.  Coaching is meant to support you across every obstacle, every challenge, and every experience.  Even though I am an action-oriented coach I understand that each person deals with life and hardships at their own pace.  As an accountability partner I encourage my clients to set goals, “what step is today, what step is tomorrow, and so on…” I provide a soft, space to land when needed.